Can Your Collagen Pass This Simple 10-Second Kitchen Test?

You probably know that taking collagen is one of the best ways to support healthy joints … younger-looking skin … and thicker, fuller hair.

What you may not know is that collagen can also promote stronger bones and toned, firm muscles.

And on top of that, this powerhouse nutrient can support healthy digestion.

Unfortunately, many people who take collagen don’t see all—or even some—of its benefits.

Why You’re Not Getting The Results You Deserve

There are 28 types of collagen in your body. But five are shown in human studies to provide appreciable nutritional support for healthy joints.

And to unlock the nutritional benefits of collagen, taking all five types together is important.

Unfortunately, a lot of supplements only provide one or two types of collagen. So you only get a fraction of the support!

But supplementing your diet with all five types of collagen together still isn’t enough. Getting enough of that collagen is critically important.

And there’s a specific form of collagen that’s up to 9 and half times more bioavailable.1

This type of collagen can get absorbed into the bloodstream in just 15 minutes!2

What’s more, this form of collagen has no smell or taste. And it dissolves almost instantly in any liquid.

So you can put it in anything from your morning coffee … a tasty smoothie … or just plain water.

But how do you know if you’re getting this highly-available form of collagen?

Believe it or not, it’s easy. All you need is some collagen … a spoon … and a glass of cold water.

Woman Drinking Water

The 10-second Collagen “Lab Test” You Can Do In Your Kitchen

Man smells something bad

First, take out a scoop of collagen. Now put your nose right up to it and take a sniff.

If it smells like beef jerky … fish … or a wet dog, that’s a red flag. Because with high-quality collagen, there should be no smell at all.

Collagen mixing in Drink

Next, drop the collagen into a glass of cold water and stir it five times. Does it dissolve right away?  Or do you see lumps and clumps that sink to the bottom of the glass?

If it’s the latter, that’s another red flag. Because the best-quality collagen should dissolve almost instantly, even without stirring.

Woman Drinking Water

Now take a sip. If it has a taste—any taste—that’s another red flag. Because highly-bioavailable collagen should have no taste at all.

This 10-second test is the easiest way I know of to figure out if you’re taking the right form of collagen.

But remember, for the best results, you also want to take all five types of collagen shown to work in human studies together.

Because taking all five types in the right form and correct amounts is how you get the full benefits of this incredible nutrient.

So what are these five types of collagen? Well, first there’s the little-known type that can help …  

Support Your Body’s Cartilage

As we get older, the cartilage in our joints naturally starts to wear down. That can make your knees, hips, and back occasionally feel stiff and achy.

But a type of collagen called UC-II can provide support for overall joint function.

UC-II stands for Undenatured Chicken Collagen Type II.

Type II collagen makes up 60% of the cartilage in your body.3

It makes your cartilage flexible and strong. It also helps lubricate your joints, keeping them supple and healthy.

In fact, A Duke University study found UC-II helps boost your levels of a special compound (called TGF-beta-1).

This compound is the switch that turns on your natural cartilage-repair system.4

Joint Pain

Incredibly, one study found that UC-II can boost your levels of this compound up to 400%.5

Which means UC-II doesn’t just help turn on that cartilage repair system—it kicks into high gear!6

But that’s not all.

UC-II contains the amino acids glycine and proline. Both are key building blocks for normal healthy cartilage.7

So UC-II doesn’t just provide joint health support. It provides the raw materials to support healthy inflammation response so our cartilage stays resilient against normal wear and tear.

And that can make a difference in our mobility and overall well-being.8

Even more impressive, UC-II is …

More Powerful Than Glucosamine
and Chondroitin Combined

In this study, one group took 40 mg of UC-II. Another group took 2,700 mg of glucosamine and chondroitin.

But UC-II still worked better. And not just a little bit better.

  • UC-II was twice as good at relieving occasional stiffness.9
  • It was three times better at improving range of motion.10
  • And it was 3.5 times better at improving walking and climbing stairs!11

UC-II’s ability to support joint health is something I’m truly excited about.

But it’s just one of the five types of collagen you get with my special formula, Advanced Collagen Plus.

Man Stretching

Introducing Advanced Collagen Plus

Most collagen powders only include one or two types of collagen. Advanced Collagen Plus gives you all five types shown to provide appreciable nutritional support in human studies.

That’s important, because different types of collagen provide different types of support.

Some, like UC-II, support healthy cartilage. Others support healthy skin, hair, and nails. Still others promote the health of our muscles and tendons.

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One type of collagen – from a very specific source – can even promote healthy digestion.

What’s more, all five types work together to help give your skin the nutritional support it needs as we age.

Every scoop of Advanced Collagen Plus gives you all five types of collagen for incredible support.

And our formula is the same amount used in clinical trials, in the form that’s up to 9 and a half times more absorbable than “regular” collagen.

As you saw earlier, a lot of collagen powders can have a strong smell or taste. They can also be hard to mix, leaving stringy clumps at the bottom of your glass.

Advanced Collagen Plus Dissolved In Water

That’s why I teamed up with my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals to create a formula with no smell … no taste … and no lumps.

In fact, as you can see, Advanced Collagen Plus dissolves almost instantly—even in plain water!

That alone would make Advanced Collagen Plus one of the best collagen formulas around. But I still wasn’t satisfied.

You see, I know many people take collagen for it’s amazing skin health benefits. That’s why I made sure this formula also includes …

The Dynamic Duo That Helps Give Your Skin Supercharged Support

Every scoop of Advanced Collagen Plus contains 9 grams of Type I and Type III collagen peptides.

Unlike creams and moisturizers—which only affect the outer layers of your skin—these peptides provide nutritional support to help keep your skin healthy from the inside.

That’s because Type I and Type III collagen make up 90% of your “extracellular matrix”.12

That matrix is like scaffolding that supports your skin.13 But as you get older, it starts to naturally break down.

Let me show you what I mean.

The younger skin image shows normal skin structure for people in their 20s or 30s.14

There’s plenty of collagen scaffolding.

There’s also lots of elastin, which makes the skin firm and stretchy.

And plenty of hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the deep layers of your skin.

And as you can see, the outer layers of skin are smooth.

Younger Skin

But look at the aging skin image.

The collagen scaffolding is naturally starting to fall apart. That’s just what happens as we age.

Elastin and hyaluronic acid are breaking down, too.

When that happens, the top layers of your skin thin and sag.

Skin starts to feel dry and lose its youthful glow.

And crow’s feet, smile lines, and worry lines begin to get deeper and deeper.

Aging Skin

That’s where this dynamic duo comes in.

You see, Type I and Type III help your body support its collagen scaffolding.15,16

This dynamic duo also contains amino acids like hydroxyproline.

Hydroxyproline helps your body make elastin.17 And elastin is what makes your skin soft.

On top of that, this collagen contains high levels of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the deepest layers of the skin, where creams and lotions can’t reach18. That can help support healthy skin from the inside.

And when that collagen scaffolding is healthy, overall skin health improves.

In one study, researchers gave women (average age 64) Type I collagen.19,20

In just 6 weeks, the women reported a 50% improvement in fine lines and wrinkles.21


On top of that, they enjoyed huge gains in skin moisture … elasticity … firmness … and radiance.22

Think about that for a moment. How would you feel if you could get incredible nutritional support for your skin like that? And while we can’t guarantee anyone will see the same results as the women in this study, it gives us confidence in the power of collagen for skin health as we age.

Healthy joints and skin can go a long way toward helping you feel like your old self again.

But Advanced Collagen Plus also includes another type of collagen. And it’s so good at promoting bone health, I call it …

The Secret Ingredient to Strong Bones23

What are some of the most important bone-building substances in your body?

Calcium and magnesium are definitely up there. But there’s another I want you to know about.

Collagen. That’s right, collagen!

You see, calcium and magnesium make bones hard and dense.

But collagen provides the cellular framework that anchors them in place.24

This collagen framework makes up one-third of your bone mass.25 That’s more than calcium and magnesium combined!

Secret Ingredient

So if you want to support strong bones, getting support for that framework is key.

That’s why I made sure Advanced Collagen Plus includes marine collagen.

First, it’s the same type of collagen found in your bones. So it provides the raw materials to support your bone matrix.

Marine collagen can also support the functionality of cells called osteoblasts.26

Osteoblasts are like a bone-building construction crew. They pull calcium and magnesium onto your collagen framework. And that supports normal bone density.

Third, marine collagen contains special amino acids that support your body’s natural ability to make new osteoblasts.27

Together, those three factors can really support bone health.


In a ground-breaking study, scientists recruited 180 post-menopausal women.28

One group took marine collagen peptides. The other group got a sugar pill.

When the study began, both groups also got DEXA scans, the gold standard for measuring bone density. And both groups showed evidence of significant bone loss.

At the end of the study, the scientists repeated the DEXA scans. And what they found shocked them.

The collagen group saw bone density improve up to 6.7%. Now, that may not sound like much.

But at the beginning of the study, DEXA scans showed an average bone loss of -1.4%.

Which means the marine collagen group’s bone density improved a total of 8 times!


That’s almost unheard of for a natural remedy.29

But there’s one more critical ingredient in this breakthrough. And it may be the best one of all.

The Cellular Foreman Hiding In Your Fridge

This form of collagen is only found in one place. And most people have never even heard of it.

But it’s probably sitting in your fridge right now.

So what is this mystery ingredient? It’s eggshell membrane collagen.

But you won’t find it in most collagen formulas.

Eggshell membranes are delicate. And the collagen needs to be extracted in a very specific way, or it won’t provide the nutritional support it can offer.

That’s not easy to do—or cheap.

But I was adamant about including eggshell membrane in Advanced Collagen Plus. Because it helps every other form of collagen work even better.

Eggshell membrane works as a sort of “foreman,” telling your body how to use other types of collagen.30

So for skin health, it sends Type I and Type III collagen to support that “scaffolding”.

For bone health, it sends marine collagen peptides to the rescue.

For occasional stiff joints, it tells UC-II to go to work supporting better joint health and mobility.

On top of that, eggshell membrane helps your body make more of its own collagen.31

Egg Shells

And that can provide even more support for your joints, hair, skin, nails, and bones!

But that’s not all.

Studies show eggshell membrane also promotes better digestion.32

All Five Types of Collagen From The Best Natural Sources

Advanced Collagen Plus gives you all five types of collagen from the four best natural sources.


Types I and III from grass-fed bovine collagen

Promotes skin, hair, and nail health


Type II from pasture-raised chicken collagen

Supports joint health and flexibility


Type V from wild-caught marine collagen

Promotes healthy bones


Type X from organic eggshell membrane

Helps other forms of collagen work even better

And you get all of them working together, in the same dosages and forms shown to work in scientific studies.

But I didn’t stop there. I wanted Advanced Collagen Plus to stand head-and-shoulders above other formulas. That’s why …

This Formula Also Includes Two Nutrients For Support As We Age

Every scoop of Advanced Collagen Plus gives you 2,500mcg of biotin.

Eighteen human studies show this nutrient promotes stronger, healthier hair and nails.33

And when you take it with Type I and Type III collagen, it can work even better.

On top of that, Advanced Collagen Plus has chondroitin to help UC-II support occasionally stiff joints.

All of which makes Advanced Collagen Plus the best formula out there. But it gets even better.

Because Advanced Collagen Plus has …

Advanced Collagen Plus Supplement Facts

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No Weird Smell … No Strong Taste …
and No “Lumps and Clumps”

Some collagen powders can have a strong smell or taste. They can also be hard to mix, leaving stringy clumps at the bottom of your glass.

That’s why I teamed up with my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals to create a formula with no smell … no taste … and no lumps.

In fact, as you can see, Advanced Collagen Plus dissolves almost instantly, even with no stirring!

So you can put it in anything from your morning coffee … to a delicious smoothie … or a glass of plain water.

Which makes it easy to take Advanced Collagen Plus every day. Just scoop, drop, mix, and go!

Collagen Dissolved in Water

Imagine How You’ll Feel When You Experience The Power of Advanced Collagen Plus

What would it feel like to look in the mirror and see a happier, healthier, you?

How would it feel to be able to get down on the floor and play with your grandchildren?

Or play a round of golf … work in your garden … or just go for a walk?

I’m confident that Advanced Collagen Plus can do that—plus a whole lot more.

Try Advanced Collagen Plus For As Little As $1.38 a Day

If you bought every ingredient in Advanced Collagen Plus separately, you’d shell out over $200 a month.

But with Advanced Collagen Plus you won’t pay anywhere near that much. Heck, you won’t pay $100 a month … or even $50.

In fact, right now you can try Advanced Collagen Plus for as little as $1.38 a day!

And you can feel confident about your decision, because …

Advanced Collagen Plus

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You’re Protected By Our “Down To The Last Scoop” Guarantee

Try Advanced Collagen Plus for 90 days.

  • If you don’t like what you see …
  • If you don’t like how you feel and those occasional joint discomforts seem to persist …
  • If your hair and nails don’t look thicker and shinier …
  • Or if you’re not happy for ANY reason …

Simply return the empty container (plus any unused product) within 90 days.

You’ll get your refund with no hassles, no run-around, and no questions asked.

All we ask is that you cover return shipping. It’s that simple!

Advanced Collagen Plus Guarantee

If You’re Still Not Quite Sure, Consider This…

When you try Advanced Collagen Plus, the worst thing that can happen is that you're not happy with your results.

And you can simply return the empty package for a full refund less shipping and handling.

But what if Advanced Collagen Plus works for you?

What if you could get the nutritional support you need for healthy joints?

What if you could look in the mirror and feel good about yourself as you age?

What if you could sleep well, knowing your bones are getting nutritional support for strength and density?

And what if you got more nutrition for healthy muscles and the occasional bout of gas or bloating?

Advanced Collagen Plus gives that support – and a whole lot more.

And thanks to our 90-Day Guarantee, you can try it yourself, and if you’re not happy, just return it for a refund.

Advanced Collagen Plus Lifestyle Image

Get The Lowest Price (and Best Results) In One Simple Step

If you want to give Advanced Collagen Plus a shot, ordering a 6-bag supply is your best bet.

You’ll get the best possible price, saving up to $50 and getting FREE shipping.

Which means you can enjoy all the benefits of Advanced Collagen Plus for just $1.38 a day.

And if you’re not satisfied, you can simply return the packages, even if they are empty, within 90 days and get all your money back. All we ask is you cover the shipping back to us.

On top of saving you money, a 6-bag supply of Advanced Collagen Plus also ensures you get the nutritional support you need over time.

Of course, the final decision is up to you…

Advanced Collagen Plus Six Bags

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But Take Action Now

Advanced Collagen Plus is a brand-new product. But we’ve already seen a surge of interest.

In fact, our first email telling our customers about Advanced Collagen Plus brought in 5,000 orders!

And since this is our first time sharing this product with the world, we expect our current supply to sell out quickly.

So if you want to secure your supply, we hope you’ll act fast.

You see, the high-quality peptides in Advanced Collagen Plus are NOT easy to source. Only a handful of suppliers meet our high standards.

So once our current supply is sold out, it could be weeks or months before we can restock.

Now, we’re doing everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

But I strongly suggest you secure your risk-free trial of Advanced Collagen Plus today, so you don’t miss out.

Advanced Collagen Plus Stone Background

Giving Advanced Collagen Plus a fair try is probably the BEST decision you can make today.

And you’ll be happy you did – we know it.

Just click the button below to go to our secure order page.

You’ll see all the details on your special deal.

And you’ll get the chance to review everything before making your final decision.

Remember, you’re protected by your 90-Day Guarantee.

To Your Best Health,

Advanced Bionutritionals

P.S. Right now, you can try Advanced Collagen Plus for as little as $1.38 a day.

But this formula is in demand — and supplies are limited.

Why not claim your special deal right now?

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Simply click the button above or call toll-free 1-800-791-3395.


"My age will be 52 years next month but I don't look or feel it at all! This is a very good formulation for your joints too."

- Maureen M. Advanced Collagen Plus customer

Advanced Collagen Plus


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Still Reading? Here Are Answers to The Top Questions People Have About Advanced Collagen Plus

Q: What types of collagen are in Advanced Collagen Plus?

A: Type 1 from grass-fed bovine collagen - Provides anti-aging benefits for skin and hair.
Type 2 from pasture-raised chicken collagen - Supports joint health and flexibility.
Type 3 from grass-fed bovine collagen - Provides anti-aging benefits for skin and hair.
Type 5 from wild-caught marine collagen - Boosts nail strength and growth.
Type 10 from organic eggshell membrane - Supports joint health and flexibility.

Q: How do I use it?

A: Advanced Collagen Plus is flavorless and dissolves easily into any hot or cold liquid. For the best results, try stirring while pouring it into your morning coffee or favorite beverage.

Q: Is Advanced Collagen Plus hydrolyzed?

A: Yes, our Advanced Collagen Plus has undergone hydrolysis. This means that it has been broken down into smaller, easy-to-absorb particles. This process makes the collagen more bioavailable, which means the body can absorb and use it more effectively.

Q: Is it free of dairy, gluten, and soy?

A: Yes. This product does not contain dairy, gluten, or soy.

Q: Is Advanced Collagen Plus Non-GMO?

A: Yes, Advanced Collagen Plus is Non-GMO.

Q: How long until I see results?

A: While individual results may vary, most customers report noticeable changes in as early as 4 weeks. But, our customers that report the most dramatic results add it to their daily routine. That’s why we recommend our popular multi-bag options. To save money and restore that youthful glow.

Q: What does Advanced Collagen Plus taste like?

A: Advanced Collagen Plus is unflavored. You can mix it in your coffee or favorite beverage without altering the taste or texture.

Collagen Plus Reviews

36 Reviews   |   4.7 Average Rating   |   94% Recommend This Supplement 

Advanced collagen *
By Donald C. () - 1/17/2025
Thanks for providing this product. Seems to be working very well
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Advanced Collagen Plus WORKS *
By billy R. (Metairie, LA) - 1/10/2025
I was prompted by a friend in the medical field to try this to help build up my knee which has painful tendenitus. I did and after a month my tendenitus was much improved. After three months the pain was 99% gone.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Advanced collagen plus *
By Pilar M. (Kissimmee, FL) - 1/8/2025
It’s not a month yet that I am taking advance collagen plus and I can see and feel the difference between the roughness and the improved skin hydration. I am receiving compliments about the rejuvenated skin already. I’m so pleased with the results of this product.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
improved hair thickness *
By Carla G. (CARSON CITY, NV) - 1/2/2025
since taking Collagen I have increased hair thickness and my eyelashes are much longer.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
I recommend this Advanced Collagen Plus  *
By Darryl R. (Palm Coast, FL) - 12/12/2024
This collagen plus powder has worked great for me. I've been taking it for over 6 months now. I can definitely see the positive results in my skin. My skin tone and texture are way better than before I started. My joints even feel better. I will continue to take it for as long as I can continue to afford it! It's definitely worthy.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Sun damage *
By Patrice P. (Pleasant Pr, WI) - 12/1/2024
I have been taking Collagen for over a year and have significantly reduced visibility of sun damage on my face.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
* Above are actual reviews from our customers. These customer’s statements may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.


  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.


  • 1. Nutrition Rev, Vol 80, Iss 6, June 2022, 1497–1514.
  • 2. J Agric Food Chem. 2017 Mar 22;65(11):2315-2322.
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  • 4. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Oct;12(4):5573-9.
  • 5. Exp Cell Res. 1998 May 25;241(1):142-50.
  • 6. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Oct;12(4):5573-9.
  • 7. Animals (Basel). 2020 Apr; 10(4): 697.
  • 8. J Integr Complement Med. June 2022; 28(6): 540–548.
  • 9, 10. Int J Med Sci. 2009; 6(6): 312–321.
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  • 12, 13, 14. Biomedicines. 2022 Sep; 10(9): 2307.
  • 15. Nutrients. 2023 May; 15(9): 2080.
  • 16. Sci Rep. 2017 May 3;7(1):1392.
  • 17. Int J Dermatol. 2021 Dec;60(12):1449-1461.
  • 18. Molecules. 2019 Nov; 24(22): 4031.
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  • 23. Nutrients. 2018 Jan; 10(1): 97.
  • 24. Front Pharmacol. 2020; 11: 757.
  • 25. Curr Chem Biol. 2009 May 1; 3(2): 189–196.
  • 26, 27. J Bone Metab. 2021 Aug; 28(3): 207–213.
  • 28, 29. Nutrients. 2018 Jan; 10(1): 97.
  • 30. J Biol Chem. 2004 Dec 17;279(51):53331-7.
  • 31. Korean J Food Sci Anim Resour. 2015; 35(1): 58–70.
  • 32. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 8:7:43993.
  • 33. Skin Appendage Disord. 2017 Aug; 3(3): 166–169.
Advanced Bionutritionals® products are manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.

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