MIT Researchers Uncover Little Known Miracle Molecule "Nitric Oxide" Linked to Better Circulation... a Healthier Heart and...a More Enjoyable Sex Life!
Free Special Report reveals why the popular advice about nitric oxide—a gas molecule produced in our bodies—is dead wrong... plus why people over 40 are often deficient and what you should be doing to boost brain power, support healthy circulation and reverse aging instead...
Perhaps you've heard about nitric oxide, the "miracle molecule" that improves heart health, energy levels, and sexual performance and impacts every cell, tissue and organ in your body.
You may have even heard how the scientists that discovered "what it does for us" won the Nobel Prize... or how hundreds of studies show that nitric oxide boosts brain power... supports healthy circulation... and reverses aging.
And you may even know that people over 40 are often deficient. But nitric oxide does so much more...
New research shows that nitric oxide also...
Improves memory, slow response and confused thinking… because nitric oxide boosts blood flow, it means more oxygen and nutrients help keep brain cells healthy, active and functioning properly.
Healthier brain cells help you think clearer and respond faster no matter your age!
Are you starting to see why boosting your nitric oxide is a smart idea?
But, be warned because here's something you probably haven't heard: The popular advice on how to increase nitric oxide is dead wrong!
The most common advice is to take l-arginine to boost nitric oxide... but the fact is: it's next to impossible for your body to turn l-arginine into nitric oxide... especially if you're over 40.
My name is Dr. Janet Zand and I'm here to tell you... most "health experts" will say the best way to boost nitric oxide is by supplementing with l-arginine.
But that's just bad advice because nitric oxide is produced in your mouth... not in your stomach.
Researchers from MIT accidentally uncovered this hidden flaw in the most common nitric oxide supplements... once you swallow them—their ability to produce nitric oxide is greatly decreased.
It turns out that the saliva and beneficial bacteria in your mouth are necessary to create nitric oxide. And the longer the nutrients are in your mouth, the more nitric oxide they produce.
There's so much more I want to tell you about the right way to boost your body's ability to produce this important "miracle molecule"...
Leading expert on nitric oxide develops a way to boost nitric oxide unlike any other on the market...
Through the breakthrough MIT research I mentioned, scientists knew they had to develop a supplement that interacted with saliva and the bacteria in the mouth in order for it to work.
They knew only a lozenge that dissolves in the mouth would work... because a pill or capsule would bypass the mouth where it would be unable to produce sufficient nitric oxide to make an impact.
What they created is supported by numerous studies and science including...
A study by Japanese researchers that found by the time we reach our 70s and 80s, we produce and use a staggering 75% less nitric oxide than we did in our 20s showing that the years when we need nitric oxide the most are the years when we're most likely to be deficient. Thankfully there's a solution besides l-arginine that works to get the nitric oxide boost you need.
Another study by Wake Forest scientists that proves beets boost nitric oxide. Scientists took blood samples and brain MRIs of participants. Then had them drink beet juice and took the same samples again. They then compared the before and after samples.
Blood samples showed that beet juice increased nitric oxide and MRIs showed that—just hours after drinking beet juice—the brain was flooded with a steady flow of blood to areas associated with poor cognition due to aging.
Clearer thinking and faster response are always a great benefit in my book!
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