It can cause everything from fatigue to memory problems to age spots - yet doctors rarely check for it. Here's how to rebuild your body and get rid of your health problems.
If you often feel tired and sluggish... if your memory and vision are not as sharp as they used to be... or if you can't lose weight no matter how hard you try... then here's something you need to know:
The most overlooked cause of problems like these is a fatigued liver. That's right, a fatigued liver.
You see, your liver is the hardest working organ in your body. Every day, it has to perform over 500 essential functions. These include:
Producing more than 13,000 crucial chemicals... and regulating over 50,000 vital enzymes.
Balancing sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen.
Filtering nearly 100 gallons of blood that pass through it every day.
Producing a full quart of bile daily to break down fat and help with food digestion.
Maintaining healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, and amino acids.
Converting glucose into energy your body can use.
Storing essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, B, D, and K.
Detoxifying waste products and pollutants, so your body can get rid of them. (If your liver stopped detoxifying, you would be dead within a few hours!)
And so much more.
That's a heck of a lot of work for one organ!
When you are young, your liver can carry out all these functions efficiently. But as you get older, your liver becomes less efficient. On top of that, decades of exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, and air pollution also cause your liver to age faster. It can't keep up with its heavy workload. It can't heal itself and regenerate as well. It starts to deteriorate and shrink.
Even worse, it starts to develop shorter telomeres at a faster rate. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA. When your telomeres get shorter, you age at an escalating rate.
As a result, you may feel tired all the time, as your liver can't convert glucose to energy quickly. You may keep piling on the pounds around the waistline, and get more cellulite, as your liver is clogged with fat deposits. And you may suffer from sex hormone imbalances and poor sex drive.
In addition, a fatigued liver can also lead to many other symptoms.
The good news is, I'm going to show you how you can rejuvenate your liver and help it heal itself. When you do that, you'll feel healthier and younger.
Hi, my name is Dr. Frank Shallenberger. I've been a practicing M.D. since 1973. I've published many scientific research papers, and written two books. I've also invented several natural therapies, such as Prolozone™ and CheZone™. And I've trained over 3,000 doctors in the use of these therapies.
But today, I'm not going to talk about any of those things. Instead, I'm going to tell you what may be the most important health secret of all: how to have a healthy liver.
If you're well-read in health topics, you probably know that you can support a healthy liver by taking milk thistle. But here's what you may not know…