What is Padma?
For over 3,500 years, the people of Tibet used dozens of different herbal preparations to maintain their health and vitality. One of the most powerful and unique of these preparations was Padma.
But sadly, the formula was almost lost forever. When the Chinese invaded Tibet, they killed most of the doctors and destroyed their medical texts.
Fortunately, the formula was smuggled out of Tibet by a doctor who fled to Mongolia.
This formula was passed down from generation to generation and ultimately found its way to Switzerland. There, an enterprising chemist began manufacturing Padma using the same original formula.
Padma has undergone significant clinical research — including 38 peer-reviewed studies — that show that Padma supports a healthy circulation, immune function, and provides antioxidant support. In Europe, Padma is practically a household name.
Some Nutrients found in Padma Basic include:
Allspice Fruit
Bael Tree Fruit
Columbine Aerial Part
English Plantain Aerial Part
Golden Cinquefoil Aerial Part
Heartleaf Sida Aerial Part
Resurrection Lily rhizome
Calendula Flower
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.